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What is a Secondary Battery in 21st Century?

Secondary Battery


Secondary batteries, also known as rechargeable batteries, are a type of battery that can be recharged and reused multiple times. They are different from primary batteries, which are designed to be used only once and then disposed of.

Secondary batteries, also known as rechargeable batteries, are a type of electrochemical cell that can be charged and discharged multiple times. They have become an integral part of modern society, powering a wide range of devices from smartphones and laptops to electric cars and grid-scale energy storage systems. Unlike primary batteries, which are designed for single use and then discarded, secondary batteries can be reused multiple times, making them a more sustainable and cost-effective choice in many applications.

The basic principles behind secondary batteries are similar to those of primary batteries. An electrochemical reaction takes place within the cell, converting chemical energy into electrical energy. The reaction is reversible, meaning that the battery can be recharged by reversing the flow of current, causing the chemical reaction to occur in the opposite direction.

There are many different types of secondary batteries, each with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common types include lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, and lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries are widely used in automotive applications and provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for starting and powering vehicles. Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries are commonly used in portable electronic devices such as cordless drills and digital cameras. Lithium-ion batteries are used in a wide range of applications, from smartphones and laptops to electric cars and grid-scale energy storage systems.

One of the main advantages of secondary batteries is their ability to be recharged and reused multiple times. This makes them a more sustainable and cost-effective choice in many applications, as they can be used for years before needing to be replaced. Rechargeable batteries are also more convenient, as they do not need to be replaced as often as primary batteries and do not contribute as much to electronic waste.

Another advantage of secondary batteries is their higher energy density compared to primary batteries. This means they can store more energy in a smaller space, making them ideal for use in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles where space is limited. Additionally, secondary batteries can deliver high power output, making them ideal for applications where high power is required for short periods, such as starting a car or powering a cordless tool.

However, there are also some disadvantages associated with secondary batteries. They are typically more expensive than primary batteries, due to the added cost of materials and manufacturing processes required to make them rechargeable. Additionally, secondary batteries can be more complex than primary batteries and may require specialized charging equipment and monitoring systems to ensure proper operation and prevent overcharging or overheating.

Another challenge associated with secondary batteries is their environmental impact. While rechargeable batteries are more sustainable than primary batteries in terms of reducing electronic waste, they still require materials and energy to produce and can pose environmental risks if not disposed of properly. Many types of rechargeable batteries contain heavy metals and other hazardous materials that can contaminate soil and water if not disposed of properly.

Despite these challenges, secondary batteries continue to play an important role in modern society, powering a wide range of devices and applications. As technology continues to advance, new types of secondary batteries will likely be developed that are even more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly than those currently available.

Image of Lithium-ion battery in Mobile device as a secondary battery.

Secondary batteries work by converting chemical energy into electrical energy, and then back again when the battery is recharged. When a secondary battery is charged, electrical energy is used to reverse the chemical reactions that occur when the battery discharges. This process restores the battery’s chemical energy, allowing it to be reused.

There are several types of secondary batteries, including:

Lead-Acid Batteries: These are the most common type of secondary battery, and are often used in vehicles and backup power supplies. They consist of lead plates immersed in an electrolyte solution of sulfuric acid. When the battery is charged, the lead plates are converted back to lead oxide and lead dioxide, which store the battery’s energy.

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries: These batteries are often used in portable electronics, such as cameras and power tools. They consist of nickel and cadmium electrodes immersed in an electrolyte solution. When the battery is charged, the nickel oxide and cadmium oxide electrodes are converted back to their original metallic form, storing the battery’s energy.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries: These batteries are similar to nickel-cadmium batteries, but use a hydrogen-absorbing alloy instead of cadmium. They are often used in portable electronics and hybrid vehicles.

Lithium-Ion Batteries: These batteries are becoming increasingly popular for use in portable electronics and electric vehicles. They use lithium ions to move between the anode and cathode, allowing the battery to be recharged and reused.

In addition, there are many secondary batteries available in the market:

  1. Lithium-Polymer Batteries
  2. Sodium-Nickel Chloride Batteries
  3. Zinc-Carbon Batteries
  4. Zinc-Bromine Flow Batteries
  5. Redox Flow Batteries
  6. Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
  7. Sodium-Sulfur Batteries
  8. Sodium-Ion Batteries
  9. Iron-Nickel Batteries
  10. Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
  11. Zinc-Air Batteries
  12. Aluminum-Air Batteries
  13. Hybrid Capacitor-Battery Systems.

These are just some examples of the many different types of secondary batteries that exist, each with its unique properties and applications.

Secondary batteries have several advantages over primary batteries. They are more environmentally friendly, as they can be reused multiple times before being disposed of. They also tend to have a higher energy density, meaning they can store more energy in a smaller size.

Secondary batteries, also known as rechargeable batteries, have several advantages over primary (non-rechargeable) batteries. Some of the main advantages of secondary batteries include:

  1. Cost-effective: While secondary batteries can be more expensive than primary batteries up front, they are ultimately more cost-effective over their lifespan. Because they can be recharged and used multiple times, the cost per use of a secondary battery is lower than that of a primary battery.
  2. Environmentally friendly: Secondary batteries are much more environmentally friendly than primary batteries because they can be recharged and reused many times, reducing the amount of waste generated. Additionally, many types of secondary batteries, such as nickel-cadmium and lead-acid batteries, are recyclable.
  3. Convenient: With secondary batteries, there’s no need to keep buying new batteries every time they run out of charge. Instead, you can simply recharge them and continue using them.
  4. Higher energy density: Many secondary batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, have a higher energy density than primary batteries. This means they can store more energy in a smaller space, making them ideal for use in portable electronics and electric vehicles.
  5. Longer lifespan: Secondary batteries can last for hundreds or even thousands of charge cycles, depending on the type and usage. This is much longer than the lifespan of most primary batteries, which are typically designed for single use.
  6. Versatile: There are many different types of secondary batteries available, each with its own unique properties and applications. This makes them a versatile choice for a wide range of devices and systems, from portable electronics to large-scale energy storage systems.

Overall, secondary batteries offer many advantages over primary batteries, making them a popular choice for a wide range of applications. While they may have some drawbacks, such as higher upfront costs and longer charging times, their benefits make them a practical and sustainable choice for powering modern devices and systems.

However, there are also some disadvantages to using secondary batteries. They tend to be more expensive than primary batteries and may require special chargers to properly recharge them. They also have a limited lifespan, and will eventually degrade and lose their ability to hold a charge.

While secondary batteries have several advantages over primary batteries, they also have some disadvantages. Here are some of the main disadvantages of secondary batteries:

  1. Limited lifespan: While secondary batteries can be recharged and reused many times, they still have a limited lifespan. Over time, the battery’s capacity will degrade, meaning it will hold less charge and require more frequent recharging. Eventually, the battery will reach the end of its useful life and will need to be replaced.
  2. Higher upfront cost: Secondary batteries are typically more expensive than primary batteries upfront, which can be a barrier for some consumers. However, as mentioned earlier, they are ultimately more cost-effective over their lifespan.
  3. Slow charging time: Some types of secondary batteries, such as lead-acid batteries, can take a long time to recharge, which can be inconvenient for some applications. However, newer types of secondary batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, can be recharged much more quickly.
  4. Safety concerns: Some types of secondary batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, have been known to overheat and catch fire or explode if they are damaged or not used properly. While the risk is relatively low, it is still a concern for some consumers.
  5. Environmental concerns: While secondary batteries are more environmentally friendly than primary batteries, they still have some environmental impact. The manufacturing and disposal of batteries can produce hazardous materials and waste, which can be harmful to the environment if not handled properly.
  6. Capacity loss in extreme temperatures: Secondary batteries can lose capacity in extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. This can be a concern for applications that require the battery to operate in extreme conditions.

Overall, secondary batteries are a practical and sustainable choice for powering modern devices and systems. While they have some disadvantages, their benefits generally outweigh their drawbacks, and they are becoming increasingly popular as technology improves and new types of batteries are developed.

The chemical mechanism of a secondary battery depends on the specific type of battery. However, the basic principle of a secondary battery is that it stores energy in chemical form and converts it to electrical energy when needed. Here is a brief overview of the chemical mechanisms of some common types of secondary batteries:

For example Lithium-ion batteries:

Lithium-Ion Batteries: Lithium-ion batteries have a lithium cobalt oxide positive electrode, a carbon negative electrode, and a lithium salt electrolyte. During charging, lithium ions from the lithium cobalt oxide positive electrode move through the electrolyte and are deposited onto the carbon negative electrode, while electrons are transferred to the electrode to maintain electrical neutrality. During discharging, the reverse process occurs, and the lithium ions move from the carbon negative electrode back to the lithium cobalt oxide positive electrode, releasing electrical energy.

During discharge, lithium is oxidized from Li to Li+

(0 to +1 oxidation state) in the lithium-graphite anode through the following reaction:

C6Li = 6 C(graphite) + Li + e

These reactions can be run in reverse to recharge the cell. In this case the lithium
ions leave the lithium cobalt oxide cathode and migrate back to the anode, where
they are reduced back to neutral lithium and reincorporated into the graphite network.
These lithium ions migrate through the electrolyte medium to the cathode, where
they are incorporated into lithium cobalt oxide through the following reaction,
which reduces cobalt from a +4 to a +3 oxidation state :

Li1-xCoO2 (s) + x Li + x e = LiCoO2(s)

These reactions can be run in reverse to recharge the cell. In this case, the lithium ions leave the lithium cobalt oxide cathode and migrate back to the anode, where they are reduced back to neutral lithium and reincorporated into the graphite network.

In conclusion, secondary batteries are a type of battery that can be recharged and reused multiple times. They are commonly used in portable electronics, vehicles, and backup power supplies. While they have several advantages over primary batteries, they also have some disadvantages, and may not be the best choice for every application.


  1. Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed.; W. H. Freeman and Company: New York, 2014.
  2. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 43, 185-204.
  3. Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles: The U.S. Value Chain. Duke University, 2010

List of Top 10 books on Secondary Batteries

Here are ten books that provide a comprehensive overview of secondary batteries and their applications:

  1. Lithium-Ion Batteries: Science and Technologies by Masahiro Tatsumisago and Masayuki Morishita – This book provides a detailed examination of lithium-ion batteries, including their chemistry, design, and applications.
  2. Secondary Batteries for Portable Devices by Menahem Anderman – This book provides a comprehensive overview of secondary batteries for portable devices, including their chemistry, design, and practical use.
  3. Handbook of Battery Materials by Claus Daniel and Jürgen O. Besenhard – This book covers a wide range of battery technologies, including secondary batteries, and provides detailed information on their chemistry, design, and applications.
  4. Rechargeable Batteries: Materials, Technologies and New Trends by Mariusz Walkowiak – This book provides an overview of rechargeable battery technology, including secondary batteries and their applications.
  5. Electrochemical Energy Storage by Rik W. De Doncker, Andreas Jossen, and Habiballah Rahimi-Eichi – This book provides a comprehensive overview of electrochemical energy storage systems, including secondary batteries and their applications.
  6. Lead-Acid Batteries: Science and Technology by D. Pavlov and E. Kamenova – This book provides a detailed examination of lead-acid batteries, including their chemistry, construction, and practical use.
  7. Nickel-Cadmium Batteries: Science and Technology by Karl Kordesch and Günter Simader – This book provides a comprehensive overview of nickel-cadmium batteries, including their chemistry, design, and practical use.
  8. Handbook of Battery Materials, Second Edition by Claus Daniel and Jürgen O. Besenhard – This book provides an updated and expanded overview of battery materials, including secondary batteries and their applications.
  9. Advanced Batteries: Materials Science Aspects by Robert A. Huggins – This book provides an overview of advanced battery materials science, including secondary batteries and their applications.
  10. Lithium Batteries: Research, Technology and Applications by Gianfranco Pistoia and Khalil Amine – This book provides an in-depth examination of lithium battery technology, including secondary lithium batteries and their applications.
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